
Every book is a victory.

We are bringing together children, their celebrity heroes, and the power of reading.

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About Champions for Literacy

How does the program work?

Champions for Literacy is a division of Educational Development Corporation that was developed to incorporate customized books with celebrities who have a passion for literacy. By partnering with those who want to make a difference, we are able to provide more access to quality children's books while also allowing these celebrities to make a difference in kids’ lives around them. As Champions for Literacy continues to expand its reach, the connections between celebrities and children in their communities are vitally important.

We are ready for our next book

Do you know a real-life champion?

Without the support of Champions for Literacy like you, we could not continue to have an impact in communities around the country. We count on introductions to people who are committed to the literacy mission in order to build the program and highlight champions in all arenas. If you are interested in partnering with us in our cause, reach out and let us know.

All Champions for Literacy inquiries, please contact:

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